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Title Harvesting forest biomass reduces wildfire fuel
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Abstract Years of drought, tree mortality due to insects and the successful suppression of forest fires over the past century have created dense stands of trees and shrubs. This buildup is potentially dangerous as a reservoir of fuel for uncontrollable wildfires in California forests. The advent of biomass power plants has made removal of excess plant material from the forest economically feasible, reducing wildfire hazard and preparing fire-adapted forests for reintroduction of prescribed fire.

Nakamura, Gary M
Area Forestry Specialist;retired
Conifer forest management, silviculture, environmental education for teachers, biomass harvesting, eucalyptus production, power plant ash, bioregional councils, community-based forestry
Publication Date Mar 1, 1996
Date Added May 14, 2009
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 1996

Thinning small understory trees, which act as fuel ladders into the crowns of larger trees, may prevent uncontrollable wildfires.